Calm Spas Blog

Ultimate Guide on Traditional Sauna Electrical Requirements

Ultimate Guide on Traditional Sauna Electrical Requirements

In today's world, the allure of a traditional sauna is hard to resist. Known for their amazing therapeutic benefits, saunas have shifted from being a luxury to a necessity in...

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What is Sauna Etiquette and How To Apply It

What is Sauna Etiquette and How To Apply It

Going into the warm, soothing world of saunas can be both exhilarating and a little daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the unspoken rules of sauna etiquette. Whether you're...

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Ultimate Guide: Wood Burning vs. Electric Sauna Heaters

Ultimate Guide: Wood Burning vs. Electric Sauna Heaters

When deciding on the perfect sauna heater for your traditional sauna, you're met with several choices. The top contenders in the sauna heating game are electric sauna heaters and wood burning...

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How Sauna Use Can Strengthen Your Immune System

How Sauna Use Can Strengthen Your Immune System

A visit to the sauna, with its comforting warmth and quiet, offers a perfect escape from the day's pressures. However, the benefits of sauna use extend far beyond mere relaxation....

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Ultimate Guide: Hemlock vs Cedar Sauna - Choosing the Best Option for Your Needs

Ultimate Guide: Hemlock vs Cedar Sauna - Choosing the Best Option for Your Needs

When stepping into a sauna, the immediate warmth enveloping your body is just part of the allure; the subtle, soothing scent wafting through the air is equally integral to the...

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Incredible Benefits of Sauna and Cold Plunge Practices

Incredible Benefits of Sauna and Cold Plunge Practices

In today's whirlwind lifestyle, the emphasis on go-go often overshadows the critical need for rest and recovery. Juggling the demands of high-intensity workouts and the hustle of our day-to-day responsibilities,...

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What Is A Sauna Hat For, And Why Wear One?

What Is A Sauna Hat For, And Why Wear One?

Are you new to the world of saunas and wondering why some people wear hats in such a hot place? With temperatures soaring, it seems odd to add more layers....

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What To Wear In A Steam Room?

What To Wear In A Steam Room?

Deciding what to wear in a steam room can be confusing. Many people wonder about the right choice for comfort and hygiene. In some parts of the world, like the...

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Finding the Right Sauna Temperature for Health Benefits

Finding the Right Sauna Temperature for Health Benefits

Discovering the perfect sauna temperature for health benefits is more than just a quest for relaxation; it's an essential step toward optimizing your wellness routine. While it's widely acknowledged that...

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Dry Sauna vs Wet Sauna: Which One is Better for You?

Dry Sauna vs Wet Sauna: Which One is Better for You?

Saunas are an amazing way to chill out, feel more relaxed, and even get some health perks, but picking the right type of sauna can be a bit confusing since...

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